Hope Centre

Coming alongside Hope Centre in Ireland to help fund their church construction process, 3 annual conferences, and purchasing a minibus to expand ministry opportunities.

Zoe Church

Partnering with Zoe Church in Greece to support the renovation of their new building and help bring their vision to life to reach Thessaloniki.

Overland Missions

Taking the Gospel to the hardest-to-reach places and raising up strong leaders to carry the move of God, pioneer efforts, and building strategic relationships in North Africa to expand God’s Kingdom.

Summit Mission Trips

Supporting project costs for six Summit mission trips in 2025 across the world that include sharing the Gospel in remote places, an outdoor evangelistic festival, building a medical facility, hosting a back-to-school event, and providing construction support for churches.

Global Christian Relief

Linking arms with Global Christian Relief to print + discreetly deliver Bibles in a variety of languages to persecuted believers and strengthen them with the Word of God.